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You're Not Broke, You Might Just Have Broken Vision

sites • Mar 12, 2019

Your Bank Account is a Direct Reflection of Your Mindset?

Welcome to a realization that may shift your perspective on being broke. My business mentor once told me that my bank account is a reflection of my mindset. Initially, I didn't want to believe it—I blamed circumstances and external factors for my financial situation. But eventually, the truth hit me hard. However, my low self-esteem distorted the message, making me feel inadequate and unworthy.

I embarked on a journey to fix myself, thinking it would miraculously fix my bank account. I hustled relentlessly, striving to escape the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. Yet, even those who make it to the top often find themselves still feeling broken inside. Their bank accounts may be temporarily improved, but their personal well-being remains unaddressed. They mask their pain with excessive pride, anxiety, or unhealthy coping mechanisms.

The reality is that we are all hurting. We've been sold a lie that our worth is tied to external achievements or possessions. Even in my faith, I used it as a means to gain significance in the world, neglecting the true validation of my identity in Christ. Unfortunately, using faith in this way only serves as a placebo, covering up the underlying issue. Poverty is rooted in a spirit of unworthiness—a failure to see and embrace our inherent value.

Here's the liberating truth: God created us with wealth already inside us. We are made in His image, carrying the potential for abundance. This isn't a cliché statement; it's an invitation to discover the depth of the treasure within you. Wealth comes from within, and truly wealthy individuals understand that even if they lost everything, they could rebuild because their wealth lies in their perspective and revelation of their own value.

So, what can we do about this? It starts with seeking revelation. There are times when I pray amiss or forget what I truly need. Condemnation often creeps in, telling me I'm not doing enough and that I'll never recover from my mistakes. It's during those moments when I want to quit, but by God's grace, I rise again. This is a fight for what is rightfully mine—my why extends far beyond physical wealth. I'm pursuing spiritual wealth that transcends worldly boundaries and can't be earned but is freely given.

In the wise words of my friend Amber, whatever is weighing you down, you must fight it as if your life depends on it. This fight is about reclaiming your true worth and unlocking the wealth that resides within you. It won't be easy, but it's a battle worth fighting. Let's embark on this journey together and discover the abundant life that awaits us.
By site-tGYhyA 15 Aug, 2023
Mindset is EVERYTHING. And sometimes certain mindsets need to be healed.
By sites 12 Mar, 2019
Finding contentment when your bank account hits rock bottom can be quite the challenge. It's natural to question whether it's even possible to be at peace when your financial situation seems dire. As a financial coach, I've grappled with these thoughts while contemplating verses like "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want" and "Give us this day our daily bread." The tension between my dreams of financial abundance and the reality of empty pockets can be overwhelming. But here's the truth I've come to understand: if I can't trust God for my immediate needs, how can I trust Him for greater abundance? Daily Bread and Divine Provision: Let's break it down. When we ask God for our daily bread, we're acknowledging our need for immediate sustenance. It's like consuming a piece of bread, knowing it can't be eaten again. Money operates in a similar fashion—it comes and goes. However, there's a distinction. If we use money wisely, investing it strategically, it can yield a return—an investment in our financial future. Sometimes, it feels like we don't see an instant payoff, and we're left with limited resources. But Jesus tells us not to worry about our material needs. He encourages us to focus on seeking His kingdom and righteousness, as He has a plan that includes provision. Trusting Divine Provision: Trusting in God's provision is easier when we can see tangible sources of sustenance. But what about those uncertain times when we don't know where our next meal will come from? I've experienced this firsthand. It can feel like wandering in the wilderness without a clear path. However, I've come to realize that even when the expected provision diminishes, God is still at work. He is redirecting our focus. Instead of solely relying on immediate material sustenance, He invites us to develop our abilities. Developing Your Abilities: Let's unpack this concept. Ability is an innate capacity within us, while skill is the proficiency we acquire through practice and experience. The exciting part is that abilities can be nurtured and developed. It's like refining raw potential into polished expertise. To do this, we must invest time and effort into honing our skills. Embrace opportunities for growth, seek guidance, and dedicate yourself to constant improvement. Remember, financial well-being transcends mere dollars and cents. It's about recognizing the broader provision God offers. Contentment in Trust: Discovering contentment during financial uncertainty requires placing our trust in God's guidance. Even when it seems like we have nothing but our faith, we must remember that God is enough. He understands our needs, both immediate and long-term. As we cultivate our abilities, it's important to trust in His divine plan. While it may feel daunting to make ends meet, we can find solace in knowing that progress takes time. Rather than comparing ourselves to impossible standards, let's focus on our personal growth and celebrate each step forward. Conclusion: As a credible financial coach, I encourage you to trust in God's provision for your daily bread. Remember, it's about more than just money—it's about developing your abilities. So, even when your finances seem insufficient, take heart in knowing that God has a plan for you. Nurture your skills, embrace opportunities for growth, and align your financial journey with a fulfilling life. Just as the sower must eat, find contentment in God's daily provision while investing in your abilities. Together, let's place our trust in His divine plan and witness the unfolding of our financial well-being. So, here's the thing—how do you find contentment when your bank account screams zero? Like seriously, are we even supposed to be okay with having zilch in our accounts? I've wrestled with this while pondering passages like "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want" and "Give us this day our daily bread." It's a battle between my empty wallet and my billion-dollar dreams. But I've come to realize something profound: how can I trust God for billions when I can't even trust Him for my daily bread Click To Paste
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